Integrated SEW three - wire brake brake management
Optional internal braking resistor (integrated in ABOX)
Voltage range: 3 × 380 to 500 V
Technical or system level Function: 12 DI + 4 DI / O
Optional external standard I / O boxes connected to the sensor / actuator
Follow the EN 60204-1 standard to stop category 0
Simple and fast parameter setting via DIP switch
It will switch and protection functions integrated into the motor junction box,
This compact and rugged reducer does not require any extra cables.
This also means that MOVI-SWITCH? Does not require any additional control cabinet space.
In this compact motor, the integrated control of one direction or two directions of rotation,
Motor thermal protection and an optional AS interface. In the MOVISWITCH? Plan,
Integrate communication with external components
Typical level function: 6 DI + 2 DI / O
Direct temperature monitoring and comprehensive evaluation of motor protection
Protection class IP54, optional IP55, IP65 or IP66
Ambient temperature -25 ° C to + 40 ° C (to + 60 ° C)
For decentralized drive applications with power levels below 3KW (4hp)
MOVI-SWITCH is a particularly appropriate and efficient solution.
Configurable (open loop) frequency converter
Power range from 0.37 to 4KW (0.50 to 5hp) (two sizes)
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄